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Frankenfoods Are Coming To Get You, Ha, Ha!

The Not So Funny Side of Food Manipulation

by Page Remick

© Page Remick – All Rights reserved

A Potato is a Potato is a Potato…isn’t it?

Whether you buy a potato by the five pound bag or choose two to bake for tonight’s dinner, consider this: rats fed genetically engineered potatoes began to show liver damage complicated by immune system problems.

  • A GM sleep aid killed 37 people, permanently disabling 1500.

  • A GM corn called ‘Starlink’ sent hundreds of people to the emergency room with allergic reactions.

  • Rats fed GM corn have smaller kidneys.

  • Dairy cows given a genetically modified hormone had increased infections.

  • Animals fed GMO corn developed blood problems: leukemia, blood pressure, kidney and liver, allergies to infection, increased blood sugar levels and even cancer.

At least 70% of all processed foods in the U.S. contain some genetically modified ingredients. If you see corn flour or meal, dextrin, starch, soy sauce and margarine on the label, these are almost certainly modified as over 80% of the soy and 40% of the corn in the U.S. is already a GM variety. More and more cereals, cooking oils, chocolate, farm-raised salmon, soda, baby foods, grain products and even frozen foods contain one or more GM ingredients.

Jekyll or Hyde?

A GMO is a Genetically Modified Organism created as a gene from a completely unrelated species that is spliced or injected into the genetic makeup of another species.

Here are some examples of GMO’s that have been grown in the United States:

  • Rat and human genes in trout

  • Spider genes in goats

  • Human genes in corn or rice

  • Mouse and human genes in potatoes

  • Fish genes in tomatoes

  • Cow or human genes in salmon

  • Human liver gene in rice

What are the gene mixtures in the GMO’s in our crops and our manufactured foods? These ‘supergenes’ require more pesticides and have more herbicide residues in their edible portions than regular foods. What does this mean? When you eat GM’s, you ingest more pesticides: like Roundup.

Who Will Own Your Food?

All GMO’s are patented life forms. The company that makes them, owns them. If the pollen from one of these modified plants, drifts onto your crops, the owner company can inspect your property. If they find their GMO in your crop, they can demand royalty payments.
Plants created using ‘terminator technology’ and ‘monopoly patents’ will produce sterile seeds. Farmers will not be able to use seeds from one crop for the following years crop cultivation. This will force farmers to purchase seeds from the patent holders each year, creating a monopoly.

  • Monsanto has recently applied for the patent to the ‘pig’.

  • An American company attempted to obtain a patent on Indian Neem tree seeds. The patent was revoked.

  • Monsanto owns the patents and distribution rights to 91% of Genetically Engineered seeds in the world.

It’s Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature!

In manufacturers and scientists rush to see what they can create and patent, there has been more time and energy spent in manipulation than accessing results. OOPS! This GMO causes allergic reactions, this one causes more disease, this affects the immune system…this one kills.

We thought that the phrase ‘Gone With The Wind’ was the name of an historical novel. Considering the danger of untested GMO’s spread by pollen, wind, birds, insects and human error, that title could eventually apply to our health, the world food supply - even our lives.

Already 30 other countries have banned or plan to ban GM crops, many requiring Genetically Modified foods to be listed on all food labels. The U.S. does not require labeling of GM foods and continues to support GMO development.

If you are at all concerned that your potato, ketchup, corn bread mix, bag of cookies, breakfast cereal, vegetable oil, soy burgers or rice, contains manipulated, engineered and genetically modified organisms, you should be. They do.

For the time being, your only alternative is organically grown foods and grass-fed meats: no pesticides, seeds from plants that were created by nature rather than a company, and standards that are in place for safety, not profit.

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