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Do It Yourself Weed Medicine: A Teaching Guide

by Granny Earth, N.D.

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This is one of the most startling, shocking and yet calming books that the Pure Zing team has ever read. How can it be startling and shocking and yet calming? Here’s how…

The first 58 pages are a chronological listing of the successes of centuries of natural remedies, and then the systematic overthrow of natural remedies through the introduction of disease causing immunizations, viruses, toxins and chemicals that knowingly killed hundreds of thousands of people: for financial gain and power.

Almost 1/4 of the book is dedicated to listing the instances of deaths by fluoride, the forced immunizations that actually created more disease and death, the experiments on people by government agencies that resulted in suffering and new diseases and how all of this has been planned and with a specific goal in mind.

Dissenters have lost their licenses, been run out of the country and even killed so that the truth could not be told, but thanks to this woman and her devotion to what is right, the plan is listed in the first 58 pages. There are parts that are literally hard to read, but they have all taken place with one goal in mind: to so harm your health and create so much disease, that restrictive laws will only allow you the use of chemical and surgical intervention.

Several more pages are dedicated to a discussion of Codex and how by 2012 all natural supplements and remedies will be outlawed. Even though the annals of history prove that radiation and chemo treatment have detrimental effects for cancer patients versus no treatment at all, it will become illegal (and already is in some states) to seek natural treatment for cancer, and many other diseases. How fast are these diseases growing? By leaps and bounds…and you can see the rise of disease (and it causes!) in chronological order in this book. Why are chemicals and immunizations proliferating? Because it brings great financial gain and power to a handful of people…at the cost of millions of lives.

The calming part of the book is the discussion of weeds. WEEDS? Yes…the plants that grow around the world in abundance and that most of us ‘civilized’ people have been trained to disdain in favor of chemical curatives in glossy boxes. Weeds/plants were the safe, free, natural method of curing disease for centuries and centuries. Cultures were skilled in their use and passed the healing information down to each succeeding generation. A part of that knowledge is in this incredible book!

‘Weeds’ can treat a host of health problems: healing broken and fractured bones (comfrey does this and its use may soon be banned!), detoxifying the body, treatment of Staph infections, killing cancer and tumors, increasing fertility, lowering blood sugar and blood pressure, treating urinary tract and bladder infections, for use as sedatives or stimulants, purification of blood and assisting in red blood cell formation, diuretics, postpartum healing, as a laxative, in pain reduction, treatments for anxiety and depression, for sore throats, aiding poor digestion, as blood thinners, to treat dysentery, headaches, boils, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel, peptic ulcers, relief for spastic colon, earaches, flu and cold relief…the list goes on and on!

Descriptions, usages, and large drawings of 37 weeds are given, along with complete instructions on how to make your own infusions, decoctions, tinctures, poultices, salves, ointments and even a mustard plaster! Considering that many weeds are antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, rich in many vitamins and minerals and can reduce inflammation, heal wounds, bruises, cuts and skin problems, you may want to grow, or learn to freely find specimens that can aid your own particular problems.

Sprinkled with poems, a little personal history and full of exceptionally useful healing information, you’ll want to know that even though the use of natural supplements may be taken away from you, weeds and personal knowledge of their healing capabilities, can always be yours. Start using this book now, and keep it tucked away for future needs!

245 pages of startling, shocking and calming information that might someday be life saving! Don’t miss this book that can keep you in charge of your own health and well being!

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